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4 Important Cannabis Dispensary POS Reporting Features

cannabis dispensary POS reporting features

Despite the obvious differences, cannabis dispensary owners have more in common than not with traditional retail owners. Both businesses have the same objectives – to provide the best possible shopping experience, build a loyal customer base, and increase the bottom line.

One of the best tools to help dispensary owners accomplish these goals is software that can track key metrics and manipulate data into reports critical to cannabis retail success. And while there are many cannabis retail software companies out there, the quality and scope of their report-generating capabilities vary greatly.

Below are four of the most important dispensary pos reporting features you should look for when considering cannabis dispensary software for your retail operation.

Four Important Cannabis Dispensary Software Reporting Features

1. Detailed Sales Reports

Naturally, any cannabis retail software should have the ability to generate detailed sales reports using data directly from your dispensary point-of-sale. These reports should give you insight into which products are selling (and which aren’t), items that are frequently purchased together, and other key metrics. You can use this information to ensure that you always keep high-selling items in stock and to promote cannabis retail promotions and deals.

Sales reports can also track budtender performance. Use this information to encourage your staff to meet sales goals and reward your top associates.

2. Inventory Insights

One of the best ways to maximize revenue is to keep tight control of your inventory – and one of the best ways to do that is with robust inventory reports generated through your dispensary software. Comprehensive inventory reports can tell you exactly how much product you have on hand and even predict when you will run out of stock based on sales trends. 

3. Web-Based Accessibility

As a cannabis entrepreneur, you won’t always be physically present at your store. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to access your dispensary’s reporting dashboard no matter where you are. With a web-based dispensary reporting system, you can check in on your business from anywhere with an internet connection.

4. Custom Reporting Capability

Maybe you want to track exactly how much of a particular strain you sold last month. Or how many customers purchased edible products along with their flower and concentrates. A cannabis dispensary pos system worth its salt will allow you to search for specific criteria and generate custom reports that let you know exactly how your store is performing based on the metrics that matter most to you.

Ready to Learn More?

At Cova, we understand the challenges unique to cannabis retailers. We also know what it takes to develop world-class retail software – our parent company has been doing it for nearly two decades.

If you’re ready to see exactly what Cova’s dispensary software can do for you, schedule a demo today.


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